philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart

Why Words cannot be a Subjective Matter

The subject of defining and redefining words has become an active part of the progressive agenda, impacting society as a whole.

In this article, I demonstrate the importance of the role words play in a healthy society and explain why language is not, and should not be, a purely subjective matter.

Join our conversation on one of the most crucial topics in today’s social crisis.

In many of my previous articles, the subject of the definition of words and their importance appeared as a secondary underlying issue. It is always in the background of many conversations. Especially the ones associated with progressive ideas. The topic is somehow always there but never discussed directly. Making all other arguments more complex than what they should be. Circling around this matter prevents the conversation from arriving to its a priori problem – What is the role of words in human interaction and society. As many of the issues of our current society have to do with emotions and acceptance, we have been taught that we need to be very careful with the words we use, in order not to offend anyone by mistake. Furthermore, a general weaponization preventing us from having this important conversation is the notion adopted by many that words are violence. A topic I dived into in my last article. I believe that if we are to solve our social malaise, addressing the importance of words and their role in our interaction is crucial.

To fully understand the topic, we cannot avoid defining what word is. While it may sound absurd to some, I find that in many conversations with people, I eventually reach a point where people decide to explain me that I do not have the authority to dictate definitions. Fortunately, they are completely right. Since if I had this authority, they would have it too, making all the conversation a chaotic emotional matter, bringing us nowhere. As I will show later on, it is exactly this point that needs to be tackled if we are to achieve peace, trust, and positive collaboration. The question regarding definition, why we need one we all agree on, and who has the authority to establish it, are the core ideas we will cover here.

The definition of the word “WORD” in the Cambridge dictionary is – “a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written “. This definition is extremely important as it will allow us to build upon it in all our conversations. By its definition, what makes a word a word is the fact that it has a meaning attached to it. Without a meaning, it is just sound. Let us take it one step further.  Babies make a lot of sounds which are not words.  Moreover, parents learn over time the meaning of certain sounds or combinations of them. By doing so, a new vocabulary is created between the parents and the kid, making these sounds become words, as they have a meaning recognized by all sides. In her early stages my daughter started to call shoes “Titi”. It was one of her first “words”. We all understood what she meant by this “word”. From her side, she was getting her shoes when expressing the word Titi. Reinforcing in her the notion that the correct word for shoes is indeed Titi. From this example, we can extend our definition and say that words are “a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written, recognized and agreed between at least 2 people “.

This brings us one step closer to our current inquiry, back to the story of my daughter. While she was extremely adorable, after a short period we, as her parents, decided that we should explain to her that Titi is not the right word to describe shoes. Back then, it was a natural conclusion that we, as parents, reached simultaneously. But why? Why was it important for us to explain and teach her the “correct word” to describe shoes? The answer has to do with the word “correct” in the previous question. The notion of the “correct word” vs the “incorrect word” brings us a full circle to the most fundamental question presented at the beginning of this article: What are words? And why their meaning is so important?

Words are a tool of communication that allows us humans to collaborate better, build trust, and create culture. It is by using words that we tell each other stories, express ideas, create agreed-upon frameworks, and tell each other what we need. It is efficient. Furthermore, language helps us overcome violence and chaos. Our capacity to communicate with each other reduces the chance we will all burst into a rage as we have the tools to explain ourselves, listen to others' explanations of their inner world, and negotiate compromises. On many levels, it is language and the correct usage of words that make us humans the controllers of earth, as it gives us a tool to develop abstract thinking, social strategies and the tools needed not kill each other over random frustrations.

There is one important aspect of the usage of words that makes them such a powerful tool. It has to do with the extension of the definition above. For words to work on a scale that allows positive collaboration or for that matter any cooperation, it requires that all the people involved agree and understand the meaning of the words one is using. It is the building block of the successful usage of words and language. If we are to use words in a positive manner or at all, we must agree upfront on what specific words mean. This brings us directly to the concept of “correct words” mentioned before. We will address politically correct later on. For now, let us define “Correct” as the Oxford dictionary defines it:

1.       True or accurate: agreeing with facts: right.

2.      Having no errors or mistakes.

3.      Proper or appropriate in a particular situation.

Based on this definition, in a utilitarian simplistic manner, the “correct word” means – “a single unit of language used without errors or mistakes in the right context, with agreed upon meaning by at least 2 people and can be spoken or written promoting mutual communication.” Eventually, it all comes down to the successful act of communication. The level of easy and effective communication is directly correlated to the term “correct”, as less brain juice is required from one person to understand another person’s sentence if he knows exactly the words and their meaning prior to hearing the sentence.

The easiest way to understand the paragraph above is to understand that the reason we decided to correct my child with regard to the shoe word, is because we aim for her to communicate not only with us but with the rest of society at large. It is her capacity to use accurate words, expressed in the right context, and pronounced without mistakes that will allow her to communicate with people around her. It is what makes words so useful and effective. As I happened to learn, it may take years for children to learn it correctly. A painful process that requires a lot of effort and patience from parents.

Culture is based on common stories that create shared concepts and meaning. An integral part of the creation of these stories is the words that are used to compose them. As we saw above, one of the fundamental aspects of words is that they are understood by everyone in society. By having this structure intact, ease of collaboration and trust can be built. I will argue at this point that what makes words efficient is that they have a simple definition attached to them. The simplicity and clarity of the definition are crucial as they allow people to express themselves accurately with the confidence that the other side understands exactly what they are trying to express. Communication is not an easy business as it reflects the complexity of both reality around us and our inner world. After all, the purpose of words is communication, and the purpose of the communication is to pass a certain message. It is beneficial if the person who is trying to convey the message has a certain level of certainty that the other side understands most (if not all) of it in the first pass. Language and words are a facilitator at its roots, not a reason for complication.

The danger of having multiple meanings to certain words is that it hinders our capacity to understand each other correctly. By allowing multiple definitions/meanings to a single word, the chance of gaps in understanding grows. With it, our incapability to understand each other increases, promoting frustration and lack of trust. The case for variation of definition for a single word can work as long as the different definitions are connected (as shown in the example of the definition of the word “correct” above). On the other hand, when words have no clear definition or a contradicting one, our capacity to communicate and understand each other falls apart, promoting not only alienation between people but increasing the possibility of violence in society. After all, it is our capacity to believe we understand each other and the successful empiric experience reassuring us of that fact that helps us feel connected, understood, and part of something bigger than us.

In most of the advanced languages, a vast vocabulary exists, built over time to express the philosophical, cultural, and psychological depth of its people. The reason for it is simple:  The more words exist in a vocabulary; the more flexibility people have to express themselves accurately. There is a reason that in most cultures, part of each person's education is to learn its vast vocabulary. As humans, we are attracted to people who have the capacity to use words correctly and find it complicated to connect to people who do not understand us. It is the accuracy of the words we use that helps us build collaborative relationships and the belief other people understand our meaning when we speak that builds trust.

The topic of the definition of words has been part of the Western discourse in recent years. It seems the progressive part of our society decided that the best way to blow up our society and eradicate our culture is to start playing with the meaning of words. Creating chaos in society, promoting confusion, and playing with the foundation of what we all knew until yesterday was not only simple but constructive. This movement led by extreme subjectivism (see article)  and a general notion of deconstructionism, brought forward by the “protestant” notion that each person can define words as he pleases. Opening the door to a flood of confusion and chaos.

While this entitled part of our society truly believes they have the right to define words endlessly, their actions mainly promote communication problems and the general loss of meaning. I believe that their push toward this direction reflects mainly the inner chaos that they are trying to push on all of society.  The idea that no one has the authority to define words comes from their incapability to accept society and its culture at large – representing the fight against the limitation society requires from them. It is a reflection of their demand from society to bend to their will regardless of their lack of direction. This dangerous game is a losing one. As we bend our foundation for the purpose of not offending mentally unstable people at best or supporting nihilism at worst.

It is important to understand that what this movement is claiming is not that new words should be invented as new phenomena emerge, but that words should and can be redefined randomly based on personal wimp. We will all agree that any sports team will not work if each player has the capacity to change the rules of the game on the fly based on his needs and feelings. It is an absurd notion that is intuitive. On the other hand, when it comes to the rules of our society, it seems we are willing to accept this absurdity. As I wrote above, there is some hypocrisy involved, as many people who claim other people do not have the subjective authority to dictate definition take on themselves to do exactly the same thing. In other cases, they leave the argument explaining that no definition is possible to start with. A notion that is even more absurd, as they are expressing this notion by using words to start with.

Verbal communication is a facilitator of human interaction. It is a tool that was developed for the benefit of people. It is done by using words that follow very simple rules (as mentioned in our extended definition above) – “a single unit of language used without errors or mistake in the right context, that has accepted meaning by at least 2 people and can be spoken or written promoting mutual communication.” It is the accuracy and simplicity of this mechanism that makes it so fundamental to the human experience. Culture and society at large have been built on this simple foundation, allowing us to evolve and prosper.

As we enter what seems an advanced stage of social collapse, it is important we understand what our tools are to fight it. Order is necessary as it allows us to prosper and build. It gives us the peace of mind we need to find the commonalities we all share and separate the important from the unimportant parts. I have no doubt in my mind that the structure of order can and should change, as time and people evolve and differ from each other. In any case, the need for order is always there. It is the spoiled part of our society that never lived close enough to chaos and forgot its terrible outcome. It is an entitled part of society that does not understand what are the consequences of demolishing everything that gave them the peace and tranquillity they leaned upon in their pursuit of chaos in the first place.

Words are the building block of human prosperity. Our passive capacity to learn definition and use them on a mass scale is what built our culture, heritage, and prosperity. Without a solid and simple frame of communication, violence and chaos will emerge. This pushes us far away from what I believe is the wish of most humans – live in a peaceful and prosperous society that gives them meaning and the capacity to raise and protect their loved ones.  Words are not a game of subjective definitions. Unless you are a person who takes on himself to make the life of everyone around you complicated, a table is a neutral word that describes a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at. As long as we all know how to mentally identify a table and call it that way, nobody should really care about the word itself. Furthermore, this passive agreement saves us a lot of mental juice, as most of us have much better things to do in life: fighting a complicated reality, doing the best we can in the complexity of our own existence and hoping for a better future.


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philosophy, Politics Amitai Rosengart philosophy, Politics Amitai Rosengart

Reflection on the Outcome of Believing Words are Violence

In this post, I'm delving into the reasons and the dangerous aspect of the notion that dictates that words are violence.

this topic is a building block to the structure of our society, democracy, and the mental state of the Western population.

Join now our conversation and acquire the tools to understand why words are not violent and how can we get out of the progressive social suicide we find ourselves in currently.

Censorship, silencing of narratives, and the demand of spoiled generations to cancel people and destroy their careers are part of a growing movement, directly connected to the fall of democracy and the loss of freedom. It started slowly in the COVID period and has accelerated since then exponentially, eroding everything the Western world fought to protect for the last century. The latest steps of the UK government outlawing posting certain content on social media with the threat of jail time is just another step towards the general takeover of Western governments over our freedom of speech and apparently freedom of thought. Like most hostile takeovers of tyrannical regimes, general support is needed by the majority of the population in the early stages of the tyrannical grasp on power. It is only by having the support of a big part of the population that it rises from the first place. In many historical cases, a reality is created in which the population asks for extreme measures. Building legitimacy for the regime to rise and establish itself. While in some cases this social movement comes from external factors such as war or general depression, some other times it is built based on a divergence of the population perspective, regardless of the well-being of the population. In the latter case, it is done slowly and then all at once. For reference see  - Rudi Dutschke's “The long march through the Institution”.

The loss of freedom and demand from our government to censor, cancel, and eliminate all opinions that contradict the beliefs of certain minorities or the general population was slow and then happened all at once. It started with the defense of fragile soles and escalated to protecting any narrative that do not fit the indoctrination message of the controlling party. This movement is the hallmark of a falling apart population. One that historically, brings chaos, death, and poverty. Democracy and freedom of speech are one of the most fundamental goods developed by the West. Protecting its citizens and allowing them to thrive. In the case of the current movement supporting the censorship of voices, the lose of freedom of speech has been supported by a boomer generation that is too afraid to speak or offend anyone. Holding the line in the general belief of compliance to authority. The real poster child of the slow and certain fall of the Western system and its values is led by the young generation that not only supports the cancel culture, safe spaces, and controlled censoring but demands it from their government due to their lost and fragile souls.  (I wrote about it extensively in my latest book – “Meaning in the Age of Absurdity”).

The bottom line of all the supporters of this movement comes to a simple line repeated ad infinitum – the notion that words are violence. This is the line they protect. Giving them the support they need to move forward with peace of mind, believing logic is with them. As many other ideas repeated in that way, a logic exists that supports their insanity. One that some people find hard to handle with. It is not by mistake or by chance. It is part of the general propaganda pushed on everyone for half a decade now. Helping to create the necessary foundation for the general takeover of autocrats in our free and peaceful democracy. As I will show later on, this argument at best shows the fragility of people and supports the lack of capacity of many people to take control or responsibility for their own actions. Projecting their incapacity into humanity as a whole. At worst, it is just a blind repetition of an exhausted mind that lived too long in a state of fear and lost the capacity to fight propaganda. We are walking into autocrat socialism and the majority of the population is not only supporting it but asking for it.

I believe that if we are to save our democracy and protect our freedom, the idea that words are violence needs to be addressed and dissolved. At its core this idea mainly supports the logic needed for our government to increase its grip on our life, dangerously degrading our democracies. While allowing people to hide behind their comfortable wall of misery, justifying the victimhood story that they hold so dear.

The first argument people use to justify this notion goes as follows (and believe me, I’m doing here an intellectual favour to most of the people who hold this notion) – Words are used by humans to express ideas. Many people acquire their ideas from hearing them from someone else. Ideas can bring to action, which sometimes can be violent. Conclusion – words are violence. 

While this argument sounds solid, it has some wrong assumptions at its core. Words are a tool of communication. By itself, words are neutral and are part of the tool we as humans developed. Language is a human phenomenon used uniquely by our species, promoting collaboration, trust, and expression. Words are a tool, while violence is an action. Philosophically and logically words cannot be violent as at their core one is a tool while the other is an action. It is possible to use a tool for a certain action, which does not make a tool the action itself. A car is not dangerous, the driver is. A gun is not dangerous, the person who uses it is. Alcohol is not dangerous, irresponsible drunk people are.  As a first conclusion when approaching this subject, we can conclude that violence is dangerous but not words. Fundamentally, it is the people that should be addressed and not the tools they are given. The written sentence would be in this case – Some words can bring some people to commit violent acts. At this point, an important question arises – Do some words always bring all people to commit violence? the answer is no. Meaning that not all people will immediately commit violent acts upon hearing a set of words. Meaning it is neither the words nor the people in general that can be categorized as violent.

Now let’s move to the concept of violence. Violence is an important concept. It is an inevitable part of human existence and nature. The effect of physical violence is important to frame and withhold. By butchering the word and its concept, we bring society to a very dangerous place. One in which real problems and victims cannot be addressed and treated properly. Opening the door to absurdities and dissonance that do not help society. I hope we can all agree that we cannot compare a case of rape to a case in which an overweight person is called fat. Or the violent act of a bitten wife to a confused young adult when addressed based on his sex of birth and not his momentary pronounce. Or that a war veteran's PTSD cannot be compared to a woman who has been explained she is not physically equal to men due to her genetic composition. Crossing and blurring the line of the concept of violence is a dangerous game that will prevent us from helping real victims while preventing us from identifying violence and its danger when it erupts. Additionally, it promotes the overreach of government and the silencing of diversity of opinions, promoting tyranny and eroding democracy from within.

As I showed above, this argument attacks people and their actions. It collectivizes the usage of the word violence to absurdity and assumes humans have little agency or self-control. It strips people of their autonomy, capacity to evolve, and wish to be part of society. At its core, it reflects a general belief held by many people today claiming that the main issue with humanity is humans. An approach that I find to be devastating. The greatness of humans is based on our capacity to think, create, self-regulate, and peacefully collaborate. The fact we are all here is proof that most of the people are aiming for peace and prosperity. It shows how capable we are of cooperation and proves that we are not the problem but the solution. While some of us can be violent and fewer are psychopathically evil, generalizing humanity based on the sick minority is not only wrong but unproductive. Most of us are responsible adults, with the capacity to think, self-regulate, and aim for peace and prosperity in our own domain.

The second approach supporting the notion that words are violent goes along this lines – Violence creates physical pain. Words can offend a person. Offense can be described as mental pain. Mental experience is as relevant and existing as physical pain. This means words are violent. While this approach is less sophisticated it is a red flag and a symptom of the sickness that engulfs the current Western society.

This logic is a symptom of the progressive mind virus taking over our society. The logical tactic used in this argument is often used by the progressive, as it is extremely effective in shutting down opposition or healthy intellectual conversation. It has all the components that neo-progressives love and cherish. First, it is based on a subjective experience. After all, it is complicated to argue with a person about the level of pain one feels inside. Secondly, it distorts the words we are using in order to create mental chaos. By applying the word pain to every discomfort the word loses its value and with it the real horror of physical pain. Moreover, if met with resistance, the immediate reaction of the progressive will be to admit that pain comes in different levels but immediately counterattack by accusing the other side of lack of sensibility, empathy or in some cases (mainly reflecting low intelligence or just blind repetition) they will start to shout toxic masculinity/ racism/ bigotry or fascism.

The most important aspect of this argument is that it sits beautifully with the main philosophy of the progressive – Victimhood. In the mind of a progressive he is oppressed. Which on many levels is true. We are all oppressed in one way or another. That’s life. Life is hard, demanding, and complicated and nobody is coming to save you. The real question is what you do about it. The oppressed card is always amusing, as it comes with a baggage of emotional distress. Most of the time, the mixture of facing an emotionally distressed person who explains he is in pain, combined with the direct attack claiming the other person is at best unempathetic and in the worst case a fascist, toxic bigot, degrades the level of the intellectual conversation to zero. Making one side highly uncomfortable and the other believing he or she just got the confirmation that they are not only right but also increases the validity that they are a real victim or protectors of one.

The real difference between this argument and the previous one is that unlike the first, the second has to do with the weakness and mentality of the people using this argument. It has nothing to do with human behavior or the fear of a violent Armageddon. This time it has to do with how the people that use this argument see the world and their place in it. It represents the standardization of fragility and the general softening of a spoiled, peaceful entitled Western society. One that has been promised that they deserve everything at the price of nothing. And that what really counts is not the world and the capacity to integrate into it but how they feel and the requirements of the world to bend to that. It represents the failure of our educational system. The loss of meaning and the need to be a victim for the purpose of being something in this world. In my last book “Meaning in the Age of Absurdity”, I address this phenomenon in detail, including its cause, social symptoms, and the potential steps we can take to start to overcome this crisis.

The disturbing aspect of the second argument is that for most people, it is impossible to handle. The logic itself is impact. It is the fundamental truth of the statements which is the problem. The twisting of words and their redefinition is a tool often used by manipulators and sales personnel. It leaves many people defenseless as they do not have neither the time nor the intellectual training to handle with such problems. Additionally, it touches on a very peculiar feeling most humans have – the wish to feel we are good people. A direct attack of this kind will leave people frozen and make them retreat to agreement or acceptance of the argument presented.

After all, if someone calls me fat and it hurts me it can be for two simple reasons. The first is that I share the notion that I’m fat and I’m unhappy about it. Making the other person simply stating a fact that I feel bad about. If it is a fact and I get offended, it is because of my inner world and my uncomfortably with it and not the problem of the other person stating that. On many levels, people need to hear the hard truth and learn to handle with it. It is the basic requirement for development and real friendship and maturity.  While it is not nice to state the obvious to a struggling person, it is a big stretch to call it violence or to blame my mental dissonance on an external existence. Additionally, if I do not believe I’m fat or do not know the person claiming it, I find it hard to understand how I can be offended in the first place. Not taking hard every nonsense that a stranger throws at you is a big part of maturing. As a father to a 6-year-old child, I can attest to the fact that we all start there and hopefully evolve over time. A young adult who gets offended by false statements heard from strangers mainly reflects a weak mind with a lack of confidence. Which again reflects the weakness of the individual and not the violent aspect of words. If we are to emerge from this chaos, it is strength that we need. Creating policies base on the lower denominator of our society promise continual and evolving weakness. A General trend that will not benefit our current generation or any future one.

of opinion is what makes me different than you and what creates curiosity and creativity. Democracy is based on plurality of opinion and the belief that we don’t have to agree on everything but still fight to allow others to express their opinions. (see Voltaire). Without allowing people the freedom to speak their minds, democracy collapses. It makes us weaker and dumber. Words are not violence. They are the most incredible tool we ever invented. Let us not be guided by the weakest denominator of our society or the fear of hearing we are wrong just because it is uncomfortable. We ought to our future generations. Words are the solution to our problems, they allow us to understand each other better, overcome the gaps of cultural diversity, and make us feel we are heard and relevant.  After all, we all knew until yesterday that it is when diplomacy fails (the usage of words) that wars begin (the usage of violence). Let this one sink in.

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philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart

Reflection on Extreme Subjectivism

The relation between subjectivism and objectivism is what allows us to build healthy societies and trust. If we are to search for meaning, a basic understanding about the world need to be established and agreed upon. In this Article, I delve into the concerning trend of Extreme individualism, its essence, outcome and effect on individuals and society

Subjectivism is, by definition, the story we tell ourselves and the way we choose to interact with the objective world. Some stories are held with such a conviction and by such a number of people that it can create the illusion of being Objective. This phenomenon can be observed throughout history. The most common example is religion. It is important to make this distinction from the get-go, as it is one of the fallacies that hold us back from truly having a deep discussion on the subject. This fallacy can be called "the subjective objectivization fallacy." In simple words, it is the idea that if enough people believe that something is true by itself, it makes it true. This can explain why, in our current age, there is a need for people to censor other opinions or shout the loudest opinions.

In numerous conversations, I had recently, the topic of Objectivism came up and ended what could have been a very meaningful conversation. Subjectivism became the hallmark of the West. Sometimes, disguised as liberalism and some other times as self-justification for actions we all knew until yesterday were wrong. Sentences such as "everything is subjective" and "Nothing is really objective in life" are a form of what I call "Extreme subjectivity." As a person who delved into the debt of Nihilism, I can tell that extreme subjectivism is somehow a positive version of Nihilism. Instead of saying – There is no meaning, people moved to – There is no objectivity. It is less depressive and allows detachment from any accountability or social responsibility.

Extreme subjectivity is very concerning as Objectivism is the essence of our capacity to cooperate and hold the key to personal sanity. Moreover, at its core, objectivism is what allows us to cooperate and feel true empathy towards others. As I will argue later, I came to believe that the rise of subjectivism is mainly a defence mechanism for many lost people who do not know what to believe in and who to trust. By adopting subjectivism, they allow themselves to justify and validate their fear and anxiety toward the world around them and their inner world. As I mentioned previously, Subjectivism is just the story we tell ourselves. In many ways, extreme subjectivity reflects a lack of story. It is a syndrome of people who lose belief and do not find a solid reality to hold onto. By adopting this philosophy, a defence mechanism is built first toward the world and then towards one own feeling.

Before delving into the reason for the rise in subjectivism and its outcomes, I would start by proving simply that Objectivism exists and that subjectivism, at its core, cannot exist without Objectivism. At its essence, subjectivism is a byproduct of Objectivism. Never the other way around. I will not argue at any point that there is nothing subjective. Oppositely, a big part of our inner world is subjective. It is part of consciousness and human existence. Regardless, Objectivity is the base of life and the human experience. It is only because Objectivism exists that subjectivism could develop in the first place. The belief that nothing is objective or that subjectivity is at the core of everything is not only wrong but also very dangerous. Lies require Objectivity to lean on. Lies can be invented only because we agree on some basic ideas or events. Language is based on Objectivity as it requires we all agree on what we describe when using words. Relationships require it as well. Without trust, we will never be able to establish relationships. Shockingly, trust cannot exist without a fundamentally objective environment we agree upon.

For those who lack patience, here is the conclusion of this article- Subjectivism, in essence, is interpretation. It is the story we tell ourselves. At the core of subjectivism exists a deep requirement for Objectivism. As interpretation needs events to happen in the first place. Everything that has to do with explanation, opinion, or ideas is subjective. Our inner world is an endless interpretation mechanism, making it subjective at its core. Regardless, no interpretation can exist without actual events, and no real-life events need interpretation to happen or evolve in the first place. Extreme subjectivism is created from a lack of frame or data.

A simple example will be as follows – If we are to observe a single ball floating in empty space, all we will be able to say is that there is a ball and that it is floating (objective reality). We cannot say if it is moving or in which direction, as we are missing a frame of reference. By introducing a second ball into the empty space and making them move slowly toward each other, different people will interpret the movement of one of the balls differently. Some people will say both of the balls are moving, some will say that only one is moving, and others will say that the other is moving (this is subjective). From the moment a third ball fixed in space is introduced, we will directly go back to Objectivism, as the directional movement will be clear by having three balls.

Now, let's start with proving the undeniable existence of Objectivism. First and at the most basic level, Objectivism can be defined as an external truth that will remain so regardless of who perceives it and his interpretation. It is a fact (very important word here) that is undeniable and predates any interpretation (Interpretation at its core is a subjective explanation of fact). Let's start with the most obvious examples of Objectivism. We are all born into this world and die at a certain point. Theories about where we come from, where we go after, and the potential of all of this being a simulation do not contradict this objective fact. Gravity is another objective fact. Since we remember ourselves on this earth, when we let something go in mid-air, it falls to the ground. The explanation of how or why is not relevant to this objective truth. The last example I will use for the most basic level of objectivity is that we all wake up in the morning regardless of our wishes or efforts. This is true for all animals on earth.

Just to reinforce the fact that objectivity exists, let's name a few other first-level examples – We all have a body, we need water and oxygen to survive, the fire burns, water is wet, we grow older and not younger, A lion is physically stronger than us, a cheetah run faster than us, we are all having a shared experience, there is a limit to the strength we can use in any given moment and time, we cannot physically be in two separate physical locations simultaneously, We cannot pass through walls, alcohol, and coffee affect our body, and finally I'm not you, and you are not me (It is a basic definition – we will arrive to it later on)

It is very important to separate the concepts of interpretation and objectivity. Having multiple possible explanations or none does not make something less Objective. It means our collective consciousness didn't come into agreement about the phenomenon. One of the most important things about first-level objectivity is that it is above the human capacity to explain it and doesn't need it to start with. I hope that at this point, we can start to agree that objectivity exists. If one still insists objectivity doesn't exist, it probably reflects an inner struggle of the person with his own pain rather than anything close to an intelligent, truthful conversation.

The essence of learning is based on Objectivism. It is a process in which one acts and adjusts based on external feedback. Babies learn how to speak by getting positive feedback from their surroundings. Any hypothesis requires external validation. It is a fundamental truth in the human experience. Social cues are part of this process. A person who decides to dress strangely will immediately get feedback from his friend (if he has any real one). Our capacity to be good at something is evaluated by the grade and acceptance of our society, based on an objective comparison. It is just how it works. Now, to be clear, the feedback we get in many cases is based on the subjective opinion of other individuals, which doesn't make the feedback by itself an objective truth. Practically, it is the act of feedback that can be defined as objective, while the content of the feedback can sometimes be subjective. The last statement is proof of the existence of objectivity and the line between objectivity and subjectivity without cancelling each other. For those of you willing to delve into more philosophical arguments, I will add that subjectivity is an objective human experience.

At this point, we can all agree that not everything is subjective. As you can see, it is not an argument that takes too long to prove or too much intellectual power. Regrettably, many people in the West still hold onto their beliefs even after being confronted with these simple arguments. As it bothered me greatly, I think that "Why?" is an unavoidable question that needs to be asked. The answer to this question is part of the solution for many social problems I raised and will continue to talk about in my blog. It is a phenomenon that should not be ignored, as it represents one of the biggest problems we face in the West. The simple answer is that we lost trust. The mixture of hyper information online, with the miserable performance of our politicians, institutions, and economists, broken family structures, and globalization that do not benefit its people are all part of what creates the "Extreme subjectivism crisis."

Young people are subjective in their essence. They cannot perceive a world in which they are not in its center. The raging hormones, lack of experience, and the brain's unfinished development all play a part in it. For young adults, adopting subjectivity is the default. Objectivity at this stage is adopted by many young adults when it proves to work and is favorable for them. To get over this notion, many young people need a trustful and guiding system that will walk them through the process of accepting objectivism or a terrible misfortune that shows them how much objectivity there is in life regardless of what they wish and believe in. They need a guide and help to make them not only accept but also understand what to do with a world in which their subjectivity means little in real terms. It seems that one of the processes that involves passing from childhood to adulthood involves a process in which a person understands the boundaries between subjectivity and objectivity. It is a process that allows people to agree on the general terms of the game we are all playing. An understanding that feelings are a subjective experience that shouldn't always be acted upon. This process is what allows society to function and a general framework of trust to be built.

The growing extreme subjectivity movement can be seen as a refusal of many young adults to grow up and a regression of many adults who lost trust in their beliefs. As I mentioned, I believe this movement is a cry for help on a societal level. It is the lack of new heroes, the demonization of our old ones, and the broken value system in the West that prevent people from handling the uncomfortable truth that the world is indifferent to their interpretation. In their book –"The Coddling of the American Mind", Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt explain that it is our wish to protect our kids that raised a generation of people that cannot handle life and its requirements. I will add that it is a broken system of values and the lack of tools available today that hinder this important step.

Extreme subjectivism is a reflection of our breaking society. Not because we don't have enough, but because we are having too much. In my conversation about individualism, I showed the terrible effect of the belief that society's main purpose is to serve individuals' self-fulfillment. These two topics are directly related to each other. They both reflect the lack of capacity of individuals to integrate in an healthy manner into society. There is a lot to be said about the fact that governments and the state of most economies in the last 20 years were not favorable toward their individuals. That trust in our "Expert" system broke down in the last 5 years, and an optimistic approach toward the future is hard to maintain. Regardless, hiding behind extreme subjectivism is not the answer we currently need. It is a retracement of all participants into themselves, bringing the degradation of trust, healthy collaboration, and elimination of the tools needed to create a better future.

Life is hard, unfair, and sometimes beyond our capacity to understand. It is just how it is. On the other side, this world we are living in is a world that allows us to build, collaborate, and prosper if we choose to do the hard work. The first step in the path is to agree on fundamental ideas such as where we are, what we are doing, what our goal is, and how we call things. It is our objective commonalities that unite us. It is the objective world that teaches us and the basic understanding we share that builds trust. Understanding the relationship between Objectivism and subjectivism is a crucial step we need to take. Without it, collaboration and trust cannot exist. The consequences of choosing to stay in such a predicament are clear – Instead of working together on bringing us all a better future, we will continue screaming in fear at each other, arguing about questions as "What is a woman?". And between us….who in his correct mind really wants that?











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Politics, social movement, philosophy Amitai Rosengart Politics, social movement, philosophy Amitai Rosengart

The Dark Side of Individualism

The rise of Extreme individualism is affecting all aspects of our society. In this post, we will discover how this trend is the other extreme of socialism and why it should concern us all.

Individualism is an interesting topic debated in philosophy for millennials. At its core, it addresses the balance that exists between the individual needs of each of us versus our need to be part of a society. It is undeniable that each of us has its own needs, and at our core, we all prioritize our own survival. Regardless, the act of self-sacrifice for one cause is a known phenomenon observed throughout history, culture, and race. This human tendency reflects how philosophical we are as humans. It shows how the end goal we believe in can override our animalistic code. Making it one of the most important motivators of human actions. The balance between our individualistic needs and our need for a social life is crucial to human evolution, as it creates different variations of social structures and constitutions. After a long reflection, I came to believe that this topic can explain the essence of the shift we currently see in the West. A shift that seems to bring us all more suffering and misery than Happiness and prosperity.

Evolution is a natural and unavoidable process in nature. It is emotionless and persistent. The outcome of this process is no more than a natural advancement of one unit from the one that came beforehand. As a product of the present, we assume that evolution is positive as it brought us everything we know today. Practically, this notion is wrong, as evolution and its wrong turn brought the extinction of societies and species. At its core, the process of evolution tries variations that survive by luck, strength, or momentary circumstances. One of the downsides of this process is that, in some cases, a variation that survived based on the first or the last options moves forward and continues to evolve based on an unproductive or even defective base. The fact that history is a continuation of fallen empires and extinct predators is a validation of this point.

The current state of the West is in decline and seems to accelerate in the last decade. The signs are everywhere. As I will cover here, I believe that the main reason for it is a defective aspect of the human experience that survived and was built over time. Not like other animals in nature, we are a philosophical being. One that is led by proactive motives and abstraction. The argument I will present here is that the main reason for the fall of the West has to do with the loss of meaning and the twisting of our core values. The first value I will address is Individualism and the role it plays in maintaining healthy individuals and society as a whole. If I am to put it simply, I genuinely believe that our current society and its leading social movements are driven by an absurd end at best or, in many cases, no end at all. Let me explain it before entering into several examples. If we are to look at the dominant social movements of the early 21st century, we will discover two motives that encompass them all. Extreme Individualism and hatred toward the past.

Extreme Individualism is a new type of Individualism. It is different because it took the original concept and turned it on its head. From Aristotle's time, we could all agree that the good of the individual is what describes the good of society. Conversations on this topic have been numerous throughout history. The commonality of all was that while humans are, first and foremost, individuals who take care of themselves and their needs, they are all part of society. In this view, humans need society and have personal interests in ensuring they play an active role. While many philosophical arguments debate why humans need society and the best way to organize it, all agree on one principle. We are all part of society, as it is a need we all share. It is an important point, as by accepting it, we agree that the good of society is related to our individual good.

Aristotle expresses in several books the concept of happiness related to the question of goodness. Based on his writing, Good can be divided into Primary good and secondary good. To simplify it, the first is done for the sake of itself, while the other is done for something else. In his view, there is only a Good that is categorized as primary worth doing if we are to aim for Happiness. This Good is what we should all aim for and the only path to Happiness. This distinction is crucial to this conversation as it lays down a fundamental idea the state that not all our motives are equally contributing to our Happiness.

Additionally, he makes a very important remark. He states that a society is a reflection of its individuals. Highlighting the notion that a society is a bottom-up structure, not a top-down one. By doing so, Aristotle paints an essential picture with several fundamental points we can extract relevant to our conversation. The first is that Happiness is achieved based on the end goal one has. Secondly, Only an end goal defined as a primary good can truly bring us closer to Happiness. Lastly, it is the Happiness and success of the individuals of a society that make it prosperous, not the opposite. An important additional conclusion we can reach from the statements above is that a society can reach prosperity and Happiness only by having its individuals live and act based on an end goal based on the primary good. I will add here that I believe that only by having a primary good shared by all the members of a society can a harmonious and prosperous society be developed. It allows collaboration and trust to develop naturally and hold for a long period.

Many years after Aristotle, the Economist declared that humans do things from two different motives, diminishing suffering and pleasure. There is a big difference between the two, as one is based on avoidance and the other based on creation. The distinction between diminishing suffering and promoting enjoyment is an important aspect of individuals and society as a whole. Diminishing suffering on many levels can be seen as a reactionary secondary good, as it describes actions that aim to handle momentary discomfort for the sake of another cause. On the other hand, actions done for the purpose of promoting Happiness can be categorized as proactive primary Good, as they are done for the sake of itself. The difference between proactive and reactive is crucial if we are to understand Individualism and what it promotes. Animals are reactive as they only and always act due to momentary urges, while humans have the unique capacity to act proactively. From this philosophical point of view, humans who act without an end goal and are motivated based on secondary goods are no better than any other animal.

Until recently, we could all agree that on an individualistic level, we all shared a clear end goal - survive, multiply, and make sure the process continues. It worked well for all of human history as it made humanity the innovative creature that finished ruling Earth. The fact that humans had a common end goal created healthy societies that survived over time. Those values were clear for millennia to all humans regardless of gender, race, and time. First, the creation and survival of one family and kids were the highest purposes we all aim for. Secondly, all humans understand the importance of the creation and maintenance of a strong society for the sake of security and productivity. Finally, individuals understood that collaboration was needed, led by the most capable part of society. The population that did not follow these principles felt various forms of tyranny, corruption, or general degradation.

One of the most remarkable developments based on these values is Capitalism. As the term is not clear to many people today, we will need to start by defining it. Capitalism is an economic system based on values of property rights and free trade in a nonaggression framework that allows individuals to prosper as single units while benefiting society and its actors as a whole. At its core, it is a direct positive evolution demonstrating the balance between each person's needs and the maintenance of society that protects them. If we are to look at this philosophy by identifying its end, it could be said that the main claim of Capitalism is that the Happiness and success of each individual is what makes a good or thriving community. This idea works amazingly well when applied based on an end goal defined as the wish for a prosperous society. After all, the exercise of Social-economic practice is society itself.

The balance held in Capitalism is not obvious and has been challenged many times at the end of the 20th century. All sorts of socialism can be defined as trying to tilt the delicate balance between Individualism and society toward the latter. In their view, society is more relevant than its individuals, their need, or their capacity. Different forms of socialism approached Capitalism from different angles, but eventually, they all had the same philosophy in their heads. Individuals left free will not benefit the majority of the population or society. As history has shown us, socialism has been the main cause of death in the last 100 years and the denominator of massive starvation, mass homicide, and general social degradation.

The other side of this socialism can be described as extreme Individualism. It holds the notion that the individual is not part of his society but above it. This new type of Individualism is different from anything we have ever tried. Not because it promotes the individual in society but because it turns the fundamental assumption of society on its head. It dictates that each human's main and only end goal is the maximization of their self-fulfillment. It is the most and only relevant aspect that matters. The definition of self-fulfillment is based on a subjective approach of a specific individual, reflecting his momentary values and feelings. Its direct implications are very straightforward. For people who hold this belief, whatever and whoever is not directly contributing to the realization of one individual's self-fulfillment is deemed an obstacle that should be avoided. This kind of Individualism detaches the individual from society and, in many cases, positions him against it. As we will see, this kind of new philosophy has dire second-order consequences seen worldwide. Making it one of the most important philosophical shifts of the last centuries.

The fundamental concern associated with his movement is that it shifts the end goal of individuals from a social one to a self-centric one. Moreover, it should not be ignored because, at its core, it redefines primary and secondary Good. While old philosophies were based on the idea that humans' final goal is the success and survival of society itself. This new movement places the individual himself and their needs before society, making it the highest good. In this world, society's role is to serve the individual instead of requiring the individual to integrate and be a productive part of it. It promotes need and feeling instead of capacity and intellect. It requires blind obedience based on social terror instead of promoting an open, constructive conversation based on multiple ideas.

The flip between the two principles becomes clear when observing the outcomes and actions of people driven by Extreme Individualism. Money, status, and dominance are hailed by people who hold this set of values. Topics such as politically correct speech, doomsday prevention, and deconstruction are the leading social topics promoted as the primary and urgent problems we all have to solve. Society and its health are never discussed as it is a secondary consequence of the needs of its individuals. Money, careers, and status are secondary goods as they are done for the sake of achieving something else. Regardless, in the extreme individualistic view, they are positioned as primary Good and hailed for the sake of themselves. The creation of a family, the purpose of knowledge, and the strength of a nation are seen as archaic obstacles that should be avoided.

Moreover, doomsday panic and politically correct speech are both reactionary movements. Demanding the shift from proactive social activities for the sake of satisfying the lowest and more psychotic denominator of our society. Extreme Individualism, at its core, is anti-social, instead of categorizing Happiness as derived from a shared success defined by the creation of a healthy family and society. It positions momentary self-realization and diminishing suffering of its weakest part as its main goal.

One of the side effects of running a society in that way is that its social failure requires a social net to support the breaking apart of society. The purpose of this social net is to feel the holes unavoidably created by diminishing societies, with broken families and a lack of support for individuals when reaching old age. After all, divorced families require more resources to raise a child, single kids cannot support both aging parents, and society does not function without unity. If correct, the increase in the welfare state and the demand for more of it by younger generations is not a mistake or an exaggeration but a real necessity to maintain a falling apart society.

Extreme Individualism can be seen in several parts of society today. One of its most terrifying consequences can be seen in relation to the population decline trend. I have no doubt in my mind that the drop in the birth rate, the rate of marriage, and the huge number of single-house families are all connected to it. The decline in the birth rate is a very concerning trend with a clear and unavoidable end. Making it one of the most urgent and alarming trends of the early 21st century. While factors such as improved education and the liberation of women can be attributed to factors that affect this trend. I came to believe that the most important factor is the introduction of the values of extreme Individualism to the West.

The distaste toward Nationalism is another reflection of extreme Individualism. At its core, Nationalism requires the sacrifice of one toward his society. Positioning people who are willing to sacrifice their time, resources, and lives for their heroes. On many levels, it contradicts the notion that self-fulfillment is the most important aspect of life. Moreover, putting the well-being of society before one own needs requires sacrifices. In many cases, it requires that one contribute his time and resources toward this goal. An act that requires, on any level, to hinder the selfish self-fulfillment of individuals.

As I mentioned elsewhere, humans need a purpose. Without it, our inner world collapses into itself. I believe that the rise in suicide rate, depression, anxiety, and general unhappiness can all be related to the fact that the philosophy of extreme Individualism dominating our current society is not only wrong but empty of any true content. It leaves people lonely, angry, and frustrated. It is a philosophy with a twisted end goal that preaches to hate everything that makes us good as individuals and as a society.

To prosper, humans need to believe in something bigger than themselves. The pursuit of Happiness cannot be simply the elimination of suffering. Family, society, and nations have been the cornerstone of human advancement since we remember ourselves for a reason. Extreme Individualism concentrates on promoting secondary goods while ridiculing all primary goods ever worth fighting for. By adopting it, we are all racing to the bottom of self-destruction and misery, led by the lower denominator of our society. With all honesty, we cannot allow ourselves to live a life dictated by a minority of angry and unhappy individuals just because they scream louder. Eventually, we need to realign our end goals. Only by doing so can we hope for a better future. A society needs strong individuals who have the freedom to express themselves, reach their goals, and provide for their future families. We all have more in common than we think. Our society lost itself in the pursuit of Happiness. We concentrated so much on how we wished things to be that we forgot why we were here in the first place. I believe that if we are to truly address our problems, we don't need to look far. We just need to ask ourselves, why we do what we do. It is all about the end goals we have guiding our daily actions. 



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Politics, social movement Amitai Rosengart Politics, social movement Amitai Rosengart

The Digital Bias Paradox

n this conversation, I will present what I call the “Digital Bias paradox.” This concept is affecting our lives both on individual and social levels. I define it as the beliefs formed and held by people that consciously or unconsciously prioritize information obtained from social media regardless of the lack of evidence or clear contradictions they observe in their actual physical day-to-day life. People immersed in this bias will try to impose their beliefs on society to resolve the dissonance emerging from this paradox. Usually justifying their set of beliefs on how they feel or how they think the world ought to be.

In this conversation, I will present what I call the “Digital Bias paradox.” This concept is affecting our lives both on individual and social levels. I define it as the beliefs formed and held by people that consciously or unconsciously prioritize information obtained from social media regardless of the lack of evidence or clear contradictions they observe in their actual physical day-to-day life. People immersed in this bias will try to impose their beliefs on society to resolve the dissonance emerging from this paradox. Usually justifying their set of beliefs on how they feel or how they think the world ought to be.

We are living in unprecedented times. One of the most important developments of our age is the development of technology. While it has many positive aspects as a tool we can use. Like any other tool, we should be aware of its negative aspects. Social media is one of those. It allows us to connect to people worldwide while being exposed to a stream of information like never before.

Social media has two different aspects. The social part and the information part. In its early days, Facebook allowed people to stay in contact and share their lives with people they did not have the time or capacity to meet. Over time, and with the development of the platforms and their algorithms, our feeds have evolved to be much more than that. It became a new channel to absorb the news and shape our worldview.

Humans are living in a simulation. Not the one presented in the matrix, in which we are all sleeping in a water container, dreaming of an alternative reality and waiting to wake up. But a simulation in the sense that we see only what we are trained and can see. The human experience is highly selective. Out of the endless information that reaches our senses, we filter most of it and concentrate on a tiny part. It is part of the human existence. We are built this way. It is not a matter of our wish but a limitation of our capacity. This mechanism is a reinforcing loop. We see what we search for, and that creates ideas in our head that guide us to look for more information of the same type. Over time, it makes a worldview that unconsciously guides our senses toward a certain reality. Which, over time, creates what we call our belief system.

This is a known process that takes a lot of energy from us. In many cases, and especially when tired, we prefer to lean on trustworthy sources. In ancient times, it was the oracles or our leading figures. With the development of Monotheism, it became the priest and the bible. Recently, it became the expert. Advertisers know this and take advantage of it. Hitting the soft spots that allow them to manipulate our thoughts into buying whatever they are selling.

Social media has taken a new role in our lives. It replaced, in many cases, the experts and the legacy media. This development is due in many to the loss of trust in our government and authority while lacking true and admirable figures to follow in the older generation. Many young people have shifted and consumed most of their information from social media. Putting aside the clear effect it has on the capacity of young people to focus or read in-depth articles. One of the most important effects of the deployment of social media and the way we consume it is the importance this tool has in shaping the way we see the world. To truly understand how and why, we must get familiar with a concept called "Recency Bias. In simple terms, Recency bias is the tendency to place too much emphasis on experiences that are freshest in your memory—even if they are not the most relevant or reliable. This is one of the most important aspects of the change we see around us and, in my opinion, the main reason for most of the social and psychological chaos we all experience.

The algorithm running social media aims for one simple thing – To make you stay longer on the platform, like and comment as much as possible. As it requires excitement, the algorithm will lean toward showing us extreme cases of negative information. It is not the algorithm; it is us. As humans, we are more attracted to negative news and outrageous topics. After all, if everything is good and normal, it is not really interesting. We can ponder this issue and try to understand why, which is an important question. But one that is irrelevant to our current conversation. Eventually, social media evolved to be more of a tool for media than any tool for socialization. It is there to show us two things: First, it reinforces what we already believe in by showing us more data to make us feel nice, and second, it enrages us by showing us data that will make us protest and be angry.

As time passes, social media and phones have become our main source of worldview-creation tools. After all, for most people, real life in their house, social area, and city is less exciting, less accepting, and, in many cases, just boring. It is not a bug of our current way of life; it is an important part of human existence. Boringness is a sign of security. It is a characteristic of leisure. Free time and peace are needed for philosophy and personal development, and most importantly, they motivate to improve.

As we all plunge into social media and make it our main point of reference and self-worth, a few interesting things seem to happen to us. First, we become dopamine addicts who cannot control ourselves. It is an addiction like any other. Secondly, it promotes depression. This happened for two reasons – the fact that we become more isolated and the unrealistic role models we are exposed to. Thirdly, and the most relevant point to our conversation, it promotes anxiety and hate. It is fundamental to understand why this happened. As I believe it is one of the most unlooked aspects of social media. The short answer to it is this – It expose us to the worst of human experience all at once and reinforces the notion that the world is a bad place and that there is nothing we can do about it. Additionally, the most outrageous ideas are the most popular, as the algorithm sees any negative comment as a reaction to push the post forward.

I believe a few examples are needed if we are to fully understand this point. I had the chance to have a fascinating conversation recently with an intelligent woman I hold in high regard. In this conversation, I've been explained that men are toxic and dangerous. When I asked, based on what data these statements are reinforced, the woman in question pointed out that in Italy, while all crimes are in decline, the homicide of women by men is steadily rising. Since it is data we are discussing, I checked this claim rapidly and discovered she was right. As I admitted the validity of her point, the validation gave my lovely friend a backwind and a sense of rightfulness. Although there is no doubt homicide is evil, and especially the one of women, I noticed a very interesting thing in the data. The total amount of women killed by men is indeed rising, but it is under 200 a year. When pointing this point out, I noticed a dissonance in my friend's eyes, as she understood I had something to say that would contradict her point.

Her immediate reaction was to double down on her worldview. She explained to me that men need to be stopped and put on a leash, and they are all violent and see women as their personal possessions. A claim I found to be unreasonably wrong. After listening to her, I decided to raise an obvious point. In Italy, there are currently around 57 million people, of which around 50% are men. If we consider that two-thirds of these men are above 16 years old (the number is higher), that makes around 20 million potential violent murderers. At this point, I concluded that even if the total number of men killing women would be 200, that represents 0.001% of the male population. This dry statistic put my friend in a difficult position. As she started to understand where I was going with it.

 Her main problem and the reason for the rising dissonance in her head can be easily understood. In many ways, it is a clear example of the "digital bias Paradox." In her existence, and thanks to social media trends, her framing on the topic was completely different. After all, if 200 women are killed a year each on a different day, it would feel like men are killing women almost every day. A notion that could be terrifying for any woman. On many levels, it should make women worried, and it is a subject that must be addressed. The reason I pointed out this data is not to argue that we should take lightly violence toward women. My motives were in no way aimed toward defending these terrible men who probably see women as their property. The purpose of my point was simple: regardless of how it feels, the conclusion deducted from her social media experience is wrong and very troubling.

The reason this conversation troubled me to that extent was that my friend truly believed with all her heart that men are toxic, violent, and possessive based on 0.001% of men's actions. The fact was completely hidden from her. Practically, she condemned 99.99% of men as monsters without any justification. Additionally, if taking into account that 1.5% of the population are considered to be psychopaths. The fact that such a small number of them actually act upon it can be seen as a real reason for optimism. My point here is neither to show ignorance nor to attack women. I can truly understand how the structure of social media built over time a twisted reality in my friend's head. Unfortunately for her, for me, and all men out there. Her conclusion is logical if considering the simulation she was forced into.


Another example of the tragic effect of the Digital bias paradox can be seen in all that has to do with Global warming. The state of natural disaster is another fantastic example of the social media bias I encountered in recent years. To make it simple, it can be seen by the perception that people have about the number of natural disasters and its related deaths. It is easy to understand how some people can hold the view that both has increased drastically in recent years. It works on the same principle mentioned above. As we are now exposed to all the natural disasters occurring on earth and see them on our phones, the notion that they are increasing is understandable. Most of the people I spoke with are alarmed and have adopted the narrative of global warming disaster looming and developing. Most, if not all, believe that we live in an unavoidable global looming disaster. One that we don't do enough to avoid. It is a hard notion to live with as it is very alarming and simultaneously paralyzing as there is little that can be done in the matter. A lot of social anger and general frustration is based on the belief held by people that other human beings are not doing enough to tackle this imminent issue that puts all of us in danger.

Lucky us, this notion is wrong. Practically, the number of deaths from natural disasters has diminished drastically by over 90% in the last 80 years, and the total amount of natural disasters did not increase at an unprecedented pace if looking at the data for a long enough period. Regardless, the issue of global warming exists and should be addressed. However, the perception of it due to social media is unrealistic and destructive. It prevents us from having a mature conversation and doing what humans do best- Finding new solutions to our problems.

In recent years, a new term has been thrown around by the left liberals. They called it "Lived experience". While we can all have only a lived experience, the notion is worth considering. Eventually, these words are used by the youngest generation living in a digital world to express their personal overexposure to the worldview imposed on them on social media. In other words, what they are trying to say is that if taking into account only their emotional eyebrows, their exposure to terror is relentless and frightening. In many ways, it is a cry for help. Not one that should support everything they feel, but one that will assert their confusion and give them tools to overstep from the digital to the real world.

We live in a world that is shaped not based on reality but on what we perceive to be the virtual reality we are exposed to. The nature of this reality is scary and isolated. It is a worldview that pedestalizes crime, disasters, and misfortune to catch our eyeballs. The tragedy in all of it is that we didn't evolve sufficiently in the technological era to understand it. Life online is playing a vicious game against our well-being, both personally and socially. It pushes us into forming a worldview and a belief system that leaves us isolated, depressed, and anxious. The reality is that most people living on earth are good people who wish to live a happy life surrounded by people to love and be loved. Most people want and need to be part of a society and aim for peace, justice, and the flourishing of their society. Unfortunately, most of the people currently hold terrible beliefs due to their lack of capacity to relate to the life they are living instead of the world they are digitally exposed to.

A real need emerges in our society to address this topic and understand how to handle it correctly. Society is currently self-destructing due to thoughts and beliefs shaped by an algorithm that does not have our best interests at heart. Not because it is evil but because he is indifferent. It is true that a small minority of bad people exist, that some disasters happen in the world, and that people are unnecessarily dying every day. But it is not by generalizing all of us to the lowest denominator of our kind, nor by terrorizing ourselves based on the margin that we will be able to have a serious and productive conversation about how to create a better future.

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Politics, philosophy Amitai Rosengart Politics, philosophy Amitai Rosengart

Reflection on Power and Democracy

This article explore the importance of power in society and search to understand how its recent transformation threaten democracy and it survival chances. rad now and be part of a growing conversation about the future of democracy.

 Power, is not a bug but a fundamental function of human existence, nature, and the universe. It can be observed all around us. In nature, it is the strong that dominates the weak, and it is the violent natural event that changes the structure of nature. Gravity is another example that can be seen as an example of strength. The fact that a bigger mass has the natural effect of attracting a smaller mass is an effect of Power. After all, Power is the capacity to dominate your surroundings and make them move based on one need.

In this conversation, we will explore why the concept of power is currently seen in a negative light in western society, and how it is connected to the type of democracies ruling these nations. The widespread concepts of aggression, micro-aggression, and toxic masculinity are all part of the growing culture in the West. Dictating that Power should be eradicated for the purpose of the common good. For those who hold this view, it makes sense on many levels, as it is an unavoidable feature of the mental structure hold in the mind of people that support what I call "Poor Democracy." This feature is not a bug but an inevitable end of how Democracy evolved in the West. A development that makes us weaker, vulnerable and will bring about the unavoidable collapse of the West and its culture.

Democracy can exist in many forms based on its constitution. It can be divided into the following categories – Democracy operating based on capability, Democracy operating based on wealth, and Democracy operating based on the weak majority. In all the types, the structure is built on the vote of the majority of the voting people. And in all kinds, a constitution exists binding all its citizens to the rule of law. In general, a society that is not operating based on the vote of the majority of the voters' opinions can be considered tyrannical, while a society in which some people can change the law based on their needs can be viewed as a monarchy. To make this topic clear, I will add that a monarchy can be considered tyrannical in some cases, while a tyrannical regime doesn't have to be a monarchy. If you want to learn more about these differences, I recommend reading Aristotle's "Politics."

Before delving into the different types of Democracy, I find it relevant to define a fundamental concept. Democracy, at its core, is created as a system to restrain and create accountability for the most powerful. It is a structure that gives the weaker part of society control and dominance over the powerful by grouping them into a singular part of society. Rich, capable, and powerful do not need to approval of the weak. It will help them create a more pleasant and efficient way to reach their end goal, but in no way is it a requirement they cannot do without. From this point of view, Democracy is created and maintained to support the weaker part of society, never the powerful.

I find it relevant at this point to address the role of Power and the nature of humans as part of the universe. While we evolve to a point in which we dominate the globe - (a development that couldn't happen without the usage of Power), we are still a product of evolution and come from the same nature as any other species on earth. We reach where we are and get what we have, all thanks to a struggle that we won thanks to our superior Power. The most obvious example  - (one that, for some reason, is controversial to some) is the fact that peace is a consequence of war. No peace has ever been achieved without a war to form it in the first place. The notion that peace is a natural state is based more on wishful thinking than historical reality.

Another clear example is that everything we have requires our effort. Effort requires strength, self-control, and endurance. All features of Power. Power is the rule of nature. It is controlling everything around us. It is used in any interaction, day, and social construct. It is a core feature, not a bug.

If true, it is worth asking how we have arrived at a point where a big part of society is convinced differently? To better understand this phenomenon, we will have to delve into the different types of Democracy, their core ideas, and their natural development. By doing so, we will understand where we currently stand, what went wrong, and where we are proudly marching.

Now, let's dive into the different types of Democracy and the role of Power, to get a better understanding of what makes them different from one another. A democracy operating based on capability can be called a meritocracy. In many ways, it can be described as an aristocratic democracy. The term aristocracy is not defined in this case as a group of people that hold Power due to lineage (this is monarchy) but the fact that they hold Power due to their higher capabilities. All the people involved are bound to the rule of law that promises equal treatment in front of the law, making it an egalitarian society in a democratic sense.

Furthermore, in such a society, all its citizens have the right to vote, but the candidates in question are chosen based on their demonstrative capabilities in the relevant field. Power is necessary in such a social structure as capacity is based on competition, which is a power struggle. Moreover, the fundamental value of such a society is productivity and the well-being of society itself. Power is admired in such societies as it is used for good. It is the engine that run social progress. If such a society is based on demonstrative superiority. Mentally and physically power is promoted as a core value wished and admire by all. In such a structure, the combination of capability with a democratic general vote renders the motive of the ruling party with the general good of society aligned, creating a natural positive cooperation for the greater good.

The second type of Democracy operates based on wealth. In many cases, highly concentrated in the art of commerce. This Democracy can be described as an oligarchic democracy. In this structure, money is Power. What makes it a democracy is the fact that the rule of law still stands and that a majority vote exists to define its rulers. There are two different types of oligarchic Democracy. One in which only people with wealth can participate in the democratic process, but the size of the wealthy population is a significant majority of its citizens. And one in which all citizens can participate in voting for election, but the way to be nominated is based on a minimum entry bar valued in wealth. While the first type is hard to find in our current age, the second structure is more common today than what many of us would like to believe. Power in this society is king, and it is bought in wealth. Unlike the Democracy I described previously, this type is built on Power. It is the Power to hold dominance in society that allows the ruling party to govern. Money is Power, as it can buy one way into the relevant position. In this structure, the limitations of the governing party are based on the fact that wealth is distributed to enough people to create a big enough opposition due to personal interests. While it serves to rest of the population in ways of second-order consequences, the structure can still be considered democratic due to its election process and the rule of law governing all citizens equally. In this society, Power is seen as an inspiration for individualistic motives and something to be feared by the rest of the population. On many levels, it can be said that nature is organized in an oligarchic democracy structure. In the sense that it is the balance of the powerful that dictates reality while allowing the weaker part to survive as a secondary consequence of their own motives.

Oligarchic democracy in many cases evolve as a middle stage between free society and one rule by a single ruler. As I will show, this structure is the most vulnerable to tyrannical overtake. Interestingly, in the period of ancient Greece, this type of democracy was practice in many states. Making it a relevant and viable option when discussing democracy.


The third kind of Democracy, which I believe dominates most of the West, is a democracy operating based on a weak majority. This type of Democracy can be described as one in which the weak majority runs the show. As a structure, the rule of law governs all citizens, and everyone has the right to vote or be elected based on a popularity contest regardless of capability or wealth. A consequence of this structure is that the purpose of society and its governing party is to satisfy the weakest part of society. Bringing the goals of society itself to equal the lowest denominator of its participants.

While the other types of Democracy exist to restrain the powerful and allow them to deploy their resource most constructively, this type of Democracy exists to crash Power at its core, as it threatens the weak that control the system. In such a structure, Power is seen as a bug. One that, if eradicated, will eliminate the natural balancing power existing on the weak. Power is seen as something to be afraid of. Something that should be socially detested and ostracized.

Societies that operate in this way are doomed to collapse. Not only due to the lack of Power to hold against neighboring societies that naturally accumulate Power and capacities but also because the general philosophy of such a population is toward mediocrity. One that dictated that we should all be more like the less capable and hide our inner drive for greatness.

The reason I call this kind of democracy - a "Poor Democracy" - is not based on the economic status of its majority – (even if it is unavoidable) but due to its social denominator, its growth potential, and its poor chances of survival. It is a structure in which everyone loses over time. The capable are pushed out of society, productivity will unavoidably decline and innovation will stop. Furthermore, due to its social structure, individuals lacking any worthy role model will have no choice but to individuate themselves based on a new scale of victimhood, as it is the common language of the weak. Victimhood is a poor way to run a society. One that can be described as a race to the bottom.

Furthermore, it is just a matter of time before a natural movement of historical deconstruction will emerge. After all, all existing flourishing societies reached their status due to their victory in a power struggle. One that is based on the fundamental principle of the superiority of Power. As a "Poor Democracy" is preaching values that demonize the concept of Power, it is only a matter of time before they will have no other choice but to try to erase any memory of its existence historically. The fact that this process requires the complete elimination of all aspects of their culture and everything that made them great is an unavoidable side effect. As Power is seen as the main threat to weak society governed by a popularity contest based on victimhood.

Different types of Democracy have their own risk and need to be addressed if we are searching to understand Democracy and its flaws. It is obvious that in all types, when the rule of law does not apply to all its citizens or the voting process does not reflect the majority opinion, the structure loses its democratic characteristics. It turns to be monarchical, tyrannical, or both. Regardless, some types are more prone to some failures than others. One of the most important aspects of a good social constitution is the barriers and checks in place to prevent such unfortunate developments. Another important aspect of the various types of Democracy has to do with their chances of survival in case the tables turn and Democracy is lost. After all, on a long enough scale, the most crucial question concerning society is its survival. As bad as a period of monarchy or dictatorship can be, the survival of its population is the first requirement for the chance to reestablish a democracy over time.

The easiest and most obvious type of Democracy to analyze is the Oligarchic Democracy. The fact that the structure is based on wealth and domination in such a straightforward manner makes it vulnerable to tyranny. All it requires is that wealth will, for some reason, suddenly be concentrated into the hands of a small group for this change to occur. To avoid such a development, it is highly important that laws restrict such development and that the balance of wealth is kept. As such, balance and the capacity of the law to hold are not obvious; Oligarchic Democracy is vulnerable and doesn't seem to be a viable option for an extended period of time.

 A Democracy based on meritocracy has its own risk. The most obvious one is the creation of an elite layer in society that will alienate themselves over time from the rest of the population. In this case, it is highly likely that a kind of monarchy will form or alternatively, that Democracy will move from this form to an Oligarchic one. While it is not recommended in any way, the risks of such a society are associated with the loss of its values over time and not the capacity of a ruling party to overtake the system. In both cases, the nation will not cease to exist. It is only the governing system that is at risk.

Not like the two previous cases, A democracy ruled by its weakest part not only has the risk of tyranny due to its weakening population or backlash from its extreme movements, but its more significant risk is its decomposition and collapse. As I explain above, decomposition is a feature of this social structure on many levels. The self-inflicting destruction of its own culture and the standard of victimhood leave the population weak and divided. A state that will inevitably bring to one of the three following scenarios – The first is the takeover of the nation by a neighboring state that operates on values of Power and survival. On any geopolitical level, it will be a natural consequence that will occur at a certain point in time. While this will require a prolonged period of deterioration or a sudden, unproportionally fast rise of Power by a neighboring country, this outcome is unavoidable if society is left alone to deteriorate for long enough. The second option that could emerge sooner is the collapse of the social structure of society from within, bringing about a civil war. This scenario will unavoidably bring to the rise of some form of tyranny and the potential takeover of a neighboring country if a clear win is not obtained quickly. In any case, the foundation of Democracy will collapse on the eve of a civil war, and society will stop functioning in the way it did previously. As a matter of fact, the act of the civil war will mean that the experiment of eradicating the notion of Power has failed. As the act itself is an admission that the only solution to restore order is violence, which is the ultimate and most crude manifestation of the usage of Power. Interestingly, the third option is the rise of socialism in its many forms.

In many ways, socialism is at its core based on the Power of the many weak over the capable minority. Equal outcomes, equal pay and equal distribution regardless of contribution or capacity benefits only the weakest part of society. Ironically, socialism is based on regulated and concentrated control in the hands of the few. Making it, at its core, vulnerable to tyranny. Historically, all forms of socialism have led to tyranny, poverty, and an unavoidable collapse. In this third scenario, socialism is just a road taken to tyranny, civil war, and the inevitable return to the most crude way of Power. In case of tyranny, the nation as a whole still has a chance to survive and remain in existence under a tyrant or alternatively vanish and get conquered by a neighboring country. 

The West has lost its way as it lost its philosophy promoting meritocracy and its relationship with Power. It is Power that allowed the West to achieve all its greatness and be what it is. It is by aggressively demanding capacity and casting aside the ones who are not willing to play that the west reach it amazing standard of living and prolong period of peace. Life is hard and uncomfortable. It is not by downgrading ourselves to the lowest denominator that we will thrive, nor by explaining ourselves we evolve to be a better existence than what brought us here.

Peace requires war. Achievements require effort. It is easy to destroy and hard to build. Hiding behind utopian rightfulness is not only not promoting a better future, but it also promises a worse one. If we are to walk straight into our own destruction, let us at least be honest about it and not explain to ourselves we are superior. Somebody said, "Good periods create weak men, which in turn create bad periods that create strong men." I don't think good periods create weak men. I believe that in good periods, strong men are not needed and are cast aside. While in hard periods, the weak disappear as they hide behind the strong man. If we are to save the West, I believe the first and most important step is changing our relationship to Power. It is an essential step if we are to maintain the current democratic experiment. As only democracy can promote the betterment of society and individuals all together. It is essential if we are to follow the significant steps that our ancestors did for our current prosperity. It is Power that allows us to be free, and our capacity to hold it prevents our enemies from taking the greatness that we have created.


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philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart philosophy, social movement Amitai Rosengart

Inquiry into the Nature of Meaning

One of the by-products of advanced consciousness is the requirement of meaning. It is the essence of human existence and the common denominator of all of us. Explore the depth of our consciousness and its direct relation to our current social crisis.

Humans are a complex dual mechanism. On one side, we have a body, and on the other, our consciousness. Both are unstoppable and inseparable. Practically, it can be said that one supports the other, and the body maintains our consciousness while our consciousness operates our body. I refer to consciousness specifically, not our brain, as it makes a big difference. Our brain is a biological mechanism that operates as part of our body. It can continue to work without consciousness if the body is artificially maintained. This separation is crucial, as we will see, as it holds one of the main keys to understanding the human condition.


Differently from the physical world, we associate ourselves with our consciousness. While consciousness cannot exist in the physical world without its body and arguably does not exist without it. When referring to a person, we rarely refer to him/her as his body. A fascinating proof is that if a person's consciousness will be swapped with another body. People will no longer refer to the body as the person. At the same time, if a consciousness suddenly appears with another body, if showing enough proof for it, people will consider the new body as the old person (consciousness). When a person acts differently from what he is anticipating to be, sentences like “Who are you?” or “Where the husband/ friend/ brother that I know went?”. This human perspective shows how we currently perceive human existence. In many ways, it elevates and separates the human consciousness from the obvious physical mechanism called the body.


The two parts of human existence are separate mechanisms operating on different time scales. The body always operates in the present, reacting to external stimuli and maintaining itself, aiming for mechanical optimization and survival. For our body, there is no past or future, only a reaction to the present stimulus and constant maintenance for the sake of its survival. Our body functions by itself. The blood circulation, digestion, etc., are all self-operating mechanism that the consciousness take for granted. 


Moreover, for most people, it is only when a part of the body stops functioning smoothly that we become aware of it. We are aware of our eyes and sight only when something goes wrong with our eyes. We become aware of our hearing capacity only when it starts to ring or whistle, and we are aware of our heart only when it has a severe problem. To us, the body is so well self-managed that we often forget to recognize how significant it is in our existence.

On the other hand, consciousness is a mechanism mainly occupied with predicting the future based on past experiences, positioning its operation everywhere except the present. Our subconscious (which we will discuss later) is probably more attentive to the present. Managing all the external cues and connecting the data of the present. Our consciousness from the other side exists in three different states. It can operate in the past, revisiting our subjective perception of past events. It can be in the future, calculating the potential outcomes (especially the ones we prefer to avoid) or in the abstract. As a state in which wishful imaginary scenarios are constructed that are not part of our past or a real potential practical future. The consciousness is never in the present. As a processing mechanism, it is always one moment too late or too early.


Our lives have moments when both the body and the consciousness are aligned. It has been called in many names. Currently, the most spread word for it is “Flow.” This stage is usually categorized as a moment in which a person is so immersed in the present that nothing else matters. In this stage, many people lose the perception of time. We are all familiar with this state. It is always achieved when doing something we are physically habituated to do and find pleasure in doing. A “negative flow” moment is also achieved in extreme danger. In a “fight or flight” moment, our focus is so high on the present that everything around us disappears. Interestingly, moments can be categorized as moments in which our consciousness is not operating. Without any evidence, I will claim a mixture of our physical body patterns and our subconsciousness operates in those moments.


The brain and consciousness can be trained in and for different purposes. Our body can be trained toward optimization of muscle, reaction, or immunity. While our consciousness can be trained to ignore, add, or exist in different states. In our current day, both our body and our consciousness are not fully understood to us. We have made significant progress in both, but we are still far from starting to understand fully its essence or its details. Nobody can fully explain the mysteries of our body molecules, DNA, and even the functionality of our cells. When it comes to consciousness, we can map the brain and recognize patterns, but this is the best we manage to do.


We are only alive because we wake up in the morning. It is as easy as that! We cannot stop it from happening. We close our eyes when the physical system signals that it needs recovery, and after a limited time, we wake up, and here we are again. There is no nihilism in this sentence. It is just a fact we are all aware of. Our body, unlike our consciousness, is just running its mechanism. It is a question of the unpreferable continuity of any well-functioning system that is powered up and constantly continues to get what it needs to operate. On the other side, our consciousness is extremely different. It is a by-product of our body that wakes us up constantly without giving us a good explanation, as consciousness is busy calculating outcomes based on past experiences. It works by constructing inner mechanisms of “logical” and constant cause-and-effect structures. It is a reinforcing machine that is optimized to predict successful future outcomes. We know how to add things together, creating combinations that, in their turn, make new variations. After all, if one is searching to predict the future, some basic past cause and effect should exist. Without it, it is pure guesswork, which cannot be trusted for survival. In many ways, our consciousness can be described as a relentless self-correcting mechanism that optimizes for successful prediction and not survival.

When using the words trust and control, we mean predictability. Trusting someone eventually boils down to being able to predict one action. It reflects the consistency of patterns and our trust it will continue to do so. In many ways, we can trust our enemies to be who they are if they follow a certain code. Trust is a function of subjective belief in our capacity to predict one future behavior into the future. Sometimes, we agree upon it aloud; sometimes, it is part of an observation process. Control is not different. It is our capacity (or belief) that we have and will have the power to influence the future the way we want it to be. When referring to the idea that somebody is in control, it usually means that he has a conscious belief in his capacity to influence the future favorably. Anxiety comes from recognizing we do not control future outcomes, and mistrust is created when our predictive mechanism fails us. Both refer to future outcomes and our predictive capacity based on our past experience.


One of the by-products of advanced consciousness is the requirement of meaning. It is the essence of human existence and the common denominator of all of us. We require meaning; without it, our consciousness cannot truly validate its existence. Let me explain this statement. Our bodies exist as part of the physical and objective world. We feel hunger, pain, and variation of heartbeat that constantly validate its existence. The enjoyment of pain felt by some people is a consequence of the need to validate our body's existence or compensate for a lack of deeper meaning. Consciousness is not physical.


Moreover, it is not part of our present in most of our lives. In many ways, consciousness is the essence of what we call abstract, as it represents an entity that we know exists that is always there. One we cannot see, touch, or physically validate. We know it is there, but we cannot prove it. Due to that, humans require meaning. One that will justify and validate the existence of consciousness. It is an unstoppable process, as consciousness is unstoppable. It is part of the human mechanism. It is human's biggest blessing and its biggest curse.

Historically, human actions can be understood as a search and validation for meaning. Eventually, the human experience is based on the creation of meaning and its protection. It can come in many forms that all boil down to what we call Identity. Identity is meaning. It is the structure we attach to ourselves. One that allows us first to create a logical path that explains our existence and secondly (and more importantly) it validates our existence by attaching ourselves to something recognizable and accepted by other people around us (which is an extension of the physical world we are part of). As we will see later, meaning and identity come in many forms, and a lack of them will create havoc by forcing people into extremism. It is the only denominator of human existence and its capacity to flourish. All other aspects of our life are just a second or third order from it.


As I mentioned previously, conscience has two separate ways to validate itself. The first is to recognize its pattern and prove itself it is successfully constant over time and accurate in its capacity to predict itself, which is internal. The second is by external validation. This is done by associating itself with outside factors that react to it, validating its existence. It is unclear if only one can exist without the other for a functioning healthy system. Possibly, both are required to a certain extent, balancing and reinforcing each other. As we will see later, the need for power, obsessive need for control, religions, the pursuit of money, and most mental problems can be explained and traced to a lack of internal meaning or a general collapse of its validating principle. Relationships, family, and affiliation to society are also part of meaning in the form of purpose. (We will delve into it as well later on). Meaning is the essence of our existence. Whether we like it or not, it is built into us.


I believe that most, if not all, of the problems we face in the West are part of a meaning crisis. Extreme liberalism, depression, suicide, hate, extremism, and social crisis reflect it. It is a lack of internal meaning and a lack of positive and constructive external validation that makes us feel lost, detached, lacking control, anxious, and angry. God gave humans an internal source of validation by creating a relationship with his consciousness. In my latest book, “The Human Perspective- New Lessons from Genesis,” I discuss the idea that God can be seen as our consciousness. Based on that assumption, the “Death of God,” referred to by Nitzsche, can be seen as the death of our clear connection and pursuit of understanding with our inner world. By reaching this point, the only validation people are left with is external, making them more meaningful than they should be. This is also reflected in the little space and studies we apply to Philosophy in our current society. Philosophy is an alternative path toward internal meaning. By “killing our gods” and leaving philosophy behind, our capacity to understand, speak, and positively evolve from our meaning crisis seems complicated.

Before moving forward, I will add a short discussion about the subconscious. Without it, we cannot move forward peacefully and reach true conclusions that can help us understand ourselves, life, and the possible solutions. Zigmond Frued has popularized the concept of the subconscious. Making it familiar to most of the Western world. To explain it simply, subconsciousness is part of our thinking mechanism that works outside our consciousness. It works faster and on a larger scale. It constitutes a lot of different patterns and memories we cannot always recall. It is a mechanism that spits to the consciousness conclusions. Some parts of the subconscious process can be reached by a concentrated effort (as rebuilding a certain logic slower), and some other parts of it are unreachable. In other cases, we become aware of our subconscious assumptions only when reaching a new point in life.


A good example is the discovery most people reach when they first become parents. A complete set of beliefs and mental structures flood their consciousness from one moment to another. They are full of values and ideas about which kind of parent they should be (we will come back to), how they expect their spouse to behave, and what person they should become. These values were always there in the subconscious, built up over life but never addressed or reached. They become real and relevant from nowhere, moving forward to the consciousness.

While it is all true and fascinating, when it comes to meaning, I believe the role of the subconsciousness needs to be seen as a secondary machine that serves ideas to the consciousness. It is a bit like a coffee machine. It will spit coffee based on the capsule you insert into it. As long as the machine works (meaning the subconscious spits things out), what is happening in the machine is irrelevant. Life and meaning are, in many ways, all about what you do with the coffee once it is out.


Additionally, the relation between consciousness and the subconscious is not a one-directional path. Consciousness affects the subconscious and vice versa. Controlling and exploring the subconscious is a fascinating topic that can occupy a lifetime. Still, it is not relevant or practical if we are to understand the role and importance of meaning truly. The belief that there is an untouchable void in ourselves that we cannot reach and affect our lives is not helpful (and even destructive). If we are to bring ourselves from nowhere to somewhere, it is only the concentration on what we can control and our reaction to it that matters. Only our consciousness can be controlled, trained, and understood in this context. Making it the only relevant conversation worth having.


Consciousness is a given, and so is our need for meaning. It is not a question of will. As our body needs food, our consciousness needs meaning. How we handle it and the path we choose to adopt in the subject matter will determine our life, happiness, and peacefulness. There is not a single true meaning to fit them all. Oppositely, endless paths fit each person and possibly each period of an individual life. I believe that how we build and maintain this meaning makes all the difference to start with. I will develop the concept and detail it in my following posts.


When we lack purpose, life is meaningless. With a meaning, our consciousness gets lost and requires a power struggle and external extremism to validate its existence. Most people look for simple external answers to deep and complicated topics, making them vulnerable to bad actors that pull them into their madness for the sake of power and fame. I believe it is not our society that is broken but our capacity to create internal meaning and positive external validation. Only by addressing this subject can we start to understand how to get out of our current crisis united and with better youth. Our youth need guidance (and most of us, too). It is our duty to help them as they are our future. Meaning is the essence of the human experience and our shared denominator. If we stop arguing about gender, pronounce, patriarchy, politics, and all the rest of the temporary nonsense that mainly makes us feel weak, lost, and victimized, and start talking about shared meaning, internal purpose, and positive role models. Maybe we still have a chance. A chance to give ourselves and our children hope for a better future.

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philosophy, Self Reflection, Wellness Amitai Rosengart philosophy, Self Reflection, Wellness Amitai Rosengart

Change is possible- It is a matter of how we decide to see the world.

The world is a reflection of our inner world. Learn today how to affect the world around you by changing how you see yourself

In recent conversations I had with people around the world regarding my latest book on education and economy, I encountered a lot of reactions that expressed frustration and a lack of belief regarding a possible change. Many people correctly pointed out that the system of our days brings individuals to feels invisible, that the poor by themselves do not have the power required in front of the rich, and that the system is so strong an rooted in our society that talking about the creation of a real change is not realistic.

I notice that the majority of the people that have these opinions are expressing themselves with fear and hate. They are frustrated, concerned about growing discrimination, and tired of fighting fights they find unwinnable. Unfortunately, I understand them completely. 

The reality we are living in does not look very bright for the masses. The rich get richer while the poor stay the same; the educational system is degrading as the teachers do not have the tools and support needed to do a better job. The income of the majority of the people does not allow them to live decently while the taxes and the cooperation's profit rise. Our governments are so busy promoting their self-interest that they do not have the time to take care of their citizens, and racism is growing as people become lost and afraid of their own existence.

The reality we are living in these days is complicated. A realistic approach can very easily bring people to despair and nihilism. Something is indeed very wrong with the way we are living today. On the other side, looking back on the history of our kind, in many cases, we had to arrive at a certain extreme before we managed to get up and create a real change that counts.  

To be honest, I find that it is not our government that is maintaining our suffering (even if it is true they are helping); it is our mentality and the way we choose to see life and the action we take every day. It is true that the educational system of our days is depressive, that the media is pushing on us propaganda of fear and separation, and that the economic system we are taking part in is not helping us become wealthier or happier. But we, each of us individually, decide to wake up every day and see life the way we do.

We are led by a philosophy based on values of fear and separation, which will inevitably create a general feeling of terror and misery. We are busy looking and searching for what is wrong and different instead of praising and reinforcing what we have in common and what makes us better. We are busy, constantly concentrating on our past with frustration, fear, and anger instead of looking up to our future with hope, self-determination, and a wish for a better world. As I wrote in a different post, it is not how many times we felt that matters but how fast and motivated we get up.

The idea of separating the masses for the sake of control has existed for thousands of years. It is no longer relevant in an era in which we develop the capacity to communicate, share, and see each other worldwide. It is time to group and help each other! Let's concentrate on grouping ourselves with people we like and finding things in common instead of being busy avoiding the people we dislike and feel threatened by. By being an active part of our society, we will be able to start a change. Hate and fear weaken us and teach us how to be alone in a dark corner of despair. 

We are better than what they teach us and more powerful than what they want us to believe. Searching for our similarities is the key to a real and meaningful relationship. The path is hard and full of people that are too tired and weak to understand we can create a better world. Only by waking up every morning and giving a personal example others will get the courage and wish to learn and change. I have no doubt in my mind that effort is part of the success.

To learn more on the subject, check my recent books and other posts.

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Wellness, Self Reflection, philosophy Amitai Rosengart Wellness, Self Reflection, philosophy Amitai Rosengart

It is not how many times you fall, it is how fast you get up

It is not how many times you fall, but how fast you get up! Do you feel stack or unmotivated? learn how you can do better and improve your life today.

Life is not a straight line. Every domain of our life has ups and downs. We are happy in some moments and sad in others. There are periods in life in which people surround us and moments in which we are alone. We are energetic and then tired. In reality, this is the meaning of life. If it were not like this, it would just be boring, too predictable and without any fun. The uncertainty in life creates romanticism, heroism, faith, and hope.

Recent research has proven that in our society, it is not talent that will always make us the most successful. Surprisingly enough, it is neither intelligent, hard work, or personal capacity, even if it helps without any doubt. The research showed that the main factor for one individual success is luck. When I encountered this research, my first reaction was to dismiss it with reluctance, as I was raised in a family that explained to me that success is part of the privileges of intelligent and hard-working people.

As with any subject that creates an immediate reluctance in my head, I decided to take a few moments to think and re-evaluate my opinion. I quickly realized that, based on my life experience, it makes sense. I met many very intelligent people living in mediocrity after a few turns in their lives exhausted them and made them decide not to try any longer. Undoubtedly, the social system we live in today is not built on values such as justice and equality of opportunities. There is no direct reward for hard work or good deeds.

On the other side, I met many successful people with a very medium to low level of intelligence or professionalism. Without any doubt, believing that being good in what one is doing will bring one success is important from a motivational standpoint. I have no doubt in my mind that effort is part of success. On the other side, it does not promise in any case success or riches.

The principle of luck is essential almost as the idea of hard work. I come from the retail industry; I own stores and have handled import and trade for nearly a decade. I trained endless salespeople and consulted a few businesses in my life. I had the pleasure of meeting all kinds of people with different personal capacities and motivations. My operation spread to many countries in different periods. In all of these experiences, I managed to find a repetitive pattern. It is not the most talented or intelligent people that finish successful, but the most motivated.

Life is random; it sometimes goes as planned and often does not. For every good day, some bad days follow. Intelligence, hard work, and practice are, without any doubt helping one to master his field, which is necessary for any occupation. On the other side, self-motivation and positive thinking brought all the successful people I know to success. They all tried and failed. They all saw their dreams shatter by a reality proving they were not the master of their own story. But they got up fast and with a belief it will work better next time. This is the real secret of success.

The Principle of life is simple –

You must work hard and aim to be the best in your field. There will always be somebody that performs better. If it does not exist now, it will appear with the time. But as the main factor of your success is luck, it is not how many times you will fall but how fast you will manage to get up and your belief in your capacity to make it happen that will bring you there. Failure is the key to success. More you try, the luckier you get.

Thomas Jefferson said: “Harder I work, Luckier I get.” Can you see it in your life?

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