Making Sense of The Alphabet Letters

Welcome to the second episode of Critically Realistic. In this podcast, we are searching to address controversial issues that affect our life and society. If you are sensible or getting offended easily, please stop the video and go back to your comfort zone. If not, please consider to like and subscribe. By doing so, you are helping us promote open conversation in a time of social crisis.

In this episode we will address the subject of the ever growing alphabet salad, affecting all aspect of our lives. We will offer a new approach toward the L-G-B-T movement. One that separate sexual preference and need for attention. It is in our interest to understand, respect and integrate all people regardless of their sexual orientation. Regardless, we believe they are a small separate group in a crowd of screaming people. In the process of our investigation we will address the following questions - "Why should we separate the letter?", "Why Transgender should be address independently", "How the current movement is demolishing everything good that has been achieved for same sex couples", and most importantly - "How should you handle in your life with this mess?". Thank you for being part of a growing community that is searching to understand and want to fight for a better future.

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